STUDIO POLICIES for 2024 - 2025: Important points:
(NOTE: Please request a full copy of the studio policy and registration to arrange an audition/interview.)
ENROLLMENT: Before being admitted into the Studio, the teacher will hold a personal audition with the student and conference with the student and parent/guardian. (For students who have had no previous background, only a conference is held.) Transfer students should be prepared to answer questions about previous study, practice habits, technical skills, knowledge of music theory, pieces studied, etc.
TUITION: Tuition for the year is determined by lesson length. The Studio offers 60-minute, 75-minute, and 90-minute lessons. Please contact the Studio directly for tuition prices. Tuition includes:
Tuition payments may be made quarterly or monthly.
Quarterly payments: Quarterly payments are due beginning August 1, 2024. The subsequent 3 payments are each due by November 1, 2024, February 1, 2025, and May 1, 2025. For all payments, a courtesy e-mail reminder will be sent approximately 3 weeks before the due date. A fee of $35.00 is assessed for each student account for payments received after the due date or for any payment that is returned from the issuing bank for any reason. Regular tuition payments may be made by cash, check, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo.
Monthly payments: If monthly payments are selected, the first payment is due by August 1, 2024, with each subsequent monthly payment due by the first of each month (starting with September 1, 2024 and with the last payment due by July 1, 2025). A fee of $35.00 is added to the monthly bill for each student account for payments received after the 1st of the month or for any payment that is returned from the issuing bank for any reason.
There is an additional one-time theory materials and registration fee of $100.00, which must accompany your completed registration form. (PLEASE NOTE: Adult students are exempt from this fee unless they wish to pay $35.00 for the studio theory and ear-training curriculum.) This fee covers the theory and ear-training workbooks and the audio media that accompany these books as well as registration fees for such events as the VMTA sight-reading exams and VMTA Theory Mastery Day and any other events in which your student may participate that have entry fees. The Studio will refund any unused portion of this fee by the End-of-Year Concert in June 2025 or credit your account for the next year should there be a balance remaining or request more funds as necessary during the contract period for your student to cover registration fees that exceed the balance.
COMPETITIONS, FESTIVALS, AND OTHER EVENTS: Virtually all of the MTNA, WMTA, NVMTA, and NFMC events have registration or entry fees for which the entrant is responsible. The $100.00 theory materials and registration fee required with each returned registration will be used toward any entry fees for any events outside the studio – including entry fees for the VMTA sight-reading exams and VMTA Theory Mastery Day. The Studio will request additional funds during the year when necessary for students entering other events when that student account balance is depleted. The Studio will refund any unused portion of this fee by the End-of-Year Concert in June 2025 should there be a balance remaining or credit the balance toward the next school year. ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE – even if a student withdraws, regardless of the reason for withdrawal. (The Studio must pay entry fees to the competition even if the student does not participate.) NOTE: If a student plans to participate in a competition or festival, such participation is SOLELY at the discretion of the Instructor and that student will be withdrawn if s/he is not prepared. No entry fees are refunded under ANY circumstances.
ILLNESS: If a student is ill (especially if the illness is contagious), PLEASE try to exchange lesson times with another student. If you are asked to accommodate a schedule change because of illness, please do so if you are able. If no one is able to switch times with the student, please call or e-mail me and I will try to accommodate a schedule change – but for student illness only. Please DO NOT bring a sick student to the Studio. Please contact other students/parents directly to arrange a switch, and then please inform me of the change. The Studio will make every effort possible to make up lessons due to illness.
MISSED LESSONS: The Studio has a policy of not making up lessons missed by students for any reason. The only exceptions to this policy are illness (see above) or Inclement Weather (see below). All lessons missed by the teacher will be rescheduled. No refunds, tuition deductions, or lesson credit is given for lessons missed by students and no lessons will be made up. As a courtesy, however, the Studio will always try to reschedule a lesson a student might need to miss. Please contact me directly to see if a make-up time can be arranged. Alternatively, students and parents could exchange lesson times with other students when conflicts do come up. Students should notify me by telephone, text message, e-mail, or voice mail when an exchanged time has been arranged.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: From time to time during the year (especially during the winter months) travel may become treacherous due to inclement weather. If you have any concerns about travel because of inclement weather, please contact the Studio to reschedule your student’s lesson. Lessons missed as a result of inclement weather conditions WILL be made up.
ENROLLMENT AFTER THE START OF THE CONTRACT PERIOD: Students who enroll after the beginning of the contract period and start lessons after the first lesson of the contract period has already been given per the Studio calendar will make an initial payment based on how many lessons they will receive for the quarter in which they first enroll. (Each quarterly payment covers exactly 10 lessons.) This first payment must be received to secure a regular lesson time and only then will lessons be scheduled. All subsequent tuition payments follow the regular remaining quarterly payment schedule in the TUITION section above. The exact reconciliation schedule regarding tuition for lessons commencing after the start of the contract period will be explained and given in writing during the initial interview/audition. If you would prefer to make monthly payments, please consult the Studio for your exact payment schedule after the start of the contract period.
(NOTE: Please request a full copy of the studio policy and registration to arrange an audition/interview.)
ENROLLMENT: Before being admitted into the Studio, the teacher will hold a personal audition with the student and conference with the student and parent/guardian. (For students who have had no previous background, only a conference is held.) Transfer students should be prepared to answer questions about previous study, practice habits, technical skills, knowledge of music theory, pieces studied, etc.
TUITION: Tuition for the year is determined by lesson length. The Studio offers 60-minute, 75-minute, and 90-minute lessons. Please contact the Studio directly for tuition prices. Tuition includes:
- 40 lessons scheduled from September 2024 through August 2025. 34 lessons will be scheduled during the academic year and 6 scheduled the following summer at the student's convenience.
- Group theory classes on pre-scheduled Saturdays from September to February.
- Group performance classes scheduled on weekends periodically throughout the year for performance preparation.
- 4 Studio Recitals (including venue rental; there is no additional recital fee).
Tuition payments may be made quarterly or monthly.
Quarterly payments: Quarterly payments are due beginning August 1, 2024. The subsequent 3 payments are each due by November 1, 2024, February 1, 2025, and May 1, 2025. For all payments, a courtesy e-mail reminder will be sent approximately 3 weeks before the due date. A fee of $35.00 is assessed for each student account for payments received after the due date or for any payment that is returned from the issuing bank for any reason. Regular tuition payments may be made by cash, check, credit card, PayPal, or Venmo.
Monthly payments: If monthly payments are selected, the first payment is due by August 1, 2024, with each subsequent monthly payment due by the first of each month (starting with September 1, 2024 and with the last payment due by July 1, 2025). A fee of $35.00 is added to the monthly bill for each student account for payments received after the 1st of the month or for any payment that is returned from the issuing bank for any reason.
There is an additional one-time theory materials and registration fee of $100.00, which must accompany your completed registration form. (PLEASE NOTE: Adult students are exempt from this fee unless they wish to pay $35.00 for the studio theory and ear-training curriculum.) This fee covers the theory and ear-training workbooks and the audio media that accompany these books as well as registration fees for such events as the VMTA sight-reading exams and VMTA Theory Mastery Day and any other events in which your student may participate that have entry fees. The Studio will refund any unused portion of this fee by the End-of-Year Concert in June 2025 or credit your account for the next year should there be a balance remaining or request more funds as necessary during the contract period for your student to cover registration fees that exceed the balance.
COMPETITIONS, FESTIVALS, AND OTHER EVENTS: Virtually all of the MTNA, WMTA, NVMTA, and NFMC events have registration or entry fees for which the entrant is responsible. The $100.00 theory materials and registration fee required with each returned registration will be used toward any entry fees for any events outside the studio – including entry fees for the VMTA sight-reading exams and VMTA Theory Mastery Day. The Studio will request additional funds during the year when necessary for students entering other events when that student account balance is depleted. The Studio will refund any unused portion of this fee by the End-of-Year Concert in June 2025 should there be a balance remaining or credit the balance toward the next school year. ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE – even if a student withdraws, regardless of the reason for withdrawal. (The Studio must pay entry fees to the competition even if the student does not participate.) NOTE: If a student plans to participate in a competition or festival, such participation is SOLELY at the discretion of the Instructor and that student will be withdrawn if s/he is not prepared. No entry fees are refunded under ANY circumstances.
ILLNESS: If a student is ill (especially if the illness is contagious), PLEASE try to exchange lesson times with another student. If you are asked to accommodate a schedule change because of illness, please do so if you are able. If no one is able to switch times with the student, please call or e-mail me and I will try to accommodate a schedule change – but for student illness only. Please DO NOT bring a sick student to the Studio. Please contact other students/parents directly to arrange a switch, and then please inform me of the change. The Studio will make every effort possible to make up lessons due to illness.
MISSED LESSONS: The Studio has a policy of not making up lessons missed by students for any reason. The only exceptions to this policy are illness (see above) or Inclement Weather (see below). All lessons missed by the teacher will be rescheduled. No refunds, tuition deductions, or lesson credit is given for lessons missed by students and no lessons will be made up. As a courtesy, however, the Studio will always try to reschedule a lesson a student might need to miss. Please contact me directly to see if a make-up time can be arranged. Alternatively, students and parents could exchange lesson times with other students when conflicts do come up. Students should notify me by telephone, text message, e-mail, or voice mail when an exchanged time has been arranged.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: From time to time during the year (especially during the winter months) travel may become treacherous due to inclement weather. If you have any concerns about travel because of inclement weather, please contact the Studio to reschedule your student’s lesson. Lessons missed as a result of inclement weather conditions WILL be made up.
ENROLLMENT AFTER THE START OF THE CONTRACT PERIOD: Students who enroll after the beginning of the contract period and start lessons after the first lesson of the contract period has already been given per the Studio calendar will make an initial payment based on how many lessons they will receive for the quarter in which they first enroll. (Each quarterly payment covers exactly 10 lessons.) This first payment must be received to secure a regular lesson time and only then will lessons be scheduled. All subsequent tuition payments follow the regular remaining quarterly payment schedule in the TUITION section above. The exact reconciliation schedule regarding tuition for lessons commencing after the start of the contract period will be explained and given in writing during the initial interview/audition. If you would prefer to make monthly payments, please consult the Studio for your exact payment schedule after the start of the contract period.